The Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation
In Edmonton the Children's Miracle Network supports the Stollery Children's Hospital, a facility dedicated to promoting and enhancing health, treating illness and injury, and preventing childhood diseases. The Children's Miracle Network and the Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation work together to raise funds to support research, education and equipment acquisition efforts to further the mission of providing children with the best health care in Canada.
The Stollery Children's Hospital is a national leader in children's healthcare services and cutting edge medical technology. With a reputation for excellence and innovation, the Stollery's team of dedicated physicians, surgeons and support staff have been recognized nationally and internationally for their advances in children's healthcare.
Little Warriors
Little Warriors is a charitable organization focused on the education and prevention of child sexual abuse. In addition to providing awareness, Little Warriors also takes action by offering support, information, resources, and treatment. Through their efforts, victims are empowered, abuse is prevented, and families have an opportunity to heal.
The Mustard Seed
Founded over 35 years ago, the Mustard Seed has been integral to reducing homelessness and poverty in western Canada. A non-for-profit operating in both Alberta and British Columbia, the organization offers those in need a safe-haven through acceptance, empowerment and solutions. Here in Edmonton, the Seed contributes a wealth of services that include hot meals, healthcare, employment coaching, housing opportunities, inmate reintegration, spiritual care and much more.
Sports Central
Sport Central is dedicated to making resources available to kids in need across Edmonton, central and northern Alberta. Their primary goal is to retrieve, repair, recycle and redistribute sports equipment to kids who cannot afford the opportunity to play. Generous donations of gently used equipment and volunteer time by Edmonton and area residents help make this one of Alberta’s most cost effective charities. Since it’s inception in 1991, Sport Central has provided over 180,000 low-income kids with safe gear, enabling them to participate in the sport of their choice.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity's mission is to ensure everyone everywhere has a safe and decent place to live. A national non-profit organization, Habitat for Humanity organizes and motivates volunteers and community partners to build affordable housing, promote home ownership and break the cycle of poverty. By providing support to families in need by giving them access to affordable housing, individuals are able to pull themselves out of poverty and build equity for their future.
More than 50,000 people have volunteered and built homes with Habitat in Humanity across Canada, with thousands more contributing to the international Global Village program. Without constant hands-on support by volunteers of all backgrounds -- including both professional tradespeople and those who have never before picked up a hammer -- the Habitat for Humanity program would not be a success. Donations of time and hands-on effort are just as critical to a project's success as dollars.
Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute
The leading cause of death among Canadians is heart disease. It is a scary reality, but through the help of charitable organizations like the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, and their highly skilled professionals, heart disease among Canadians can be reduced.
The first of its kind in western Canada, the institute provides a full range of health care services focusing on the prevention and treatment of the disease as well as heart transplants and pediatric cardiac surgery. The Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute also works closely with the Stollery Children's Hospital and other University of Alberta Hospital facilities to ensure the highest quality of care for children and adults with congenital heart defects.
Children's Miracle Network
The Children's Miracle Network works tirelessly to save the lives of children throughout North America. Founded in 1983, the network raises funds and promotes awareness for over 170 children's hospitals and foundations.
Children of all ages and backgrounds benefit from this organization, receiving treatment for everything imaginable from asthma and broken bones to cancer and heart disease. On the front line of medical research, education and outreach, children's hospitals are pivotal in keeping millions of kids happy and healthy each year. Community support plays a vital role in funding these essential services and ensuring every child has access to the treatment they need.
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of Canada
The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada is a world leader in non-governmental funding of inflammatory bowel diseases. To date, the foundation has raised over $122 million in the quest to cure the most common intestinal disorders.
While fundraising for a cure is the CCFC's primary initiative, they also believe strongly in education and outreach, providing individuals with inflammatory bowel disease and their families with continued support and information. They also work tirelessly to raise public awareness and reduce the stigma associated with these types of disorders.
Aaron Moser Spinal Cord Foundation
The Aaron Moser Spinal Cord Foundation was founded in December 1998 after Edmonton junior hockey player Aaron Moser broke his neck during a game, leaving him a quadriplegic. The community banded together to immediately assist Aaron and his family, raising funds to secure the equipment, home renovations, and the ongoing treatment and rehabilitation Aaron needed.
The foundation continues to raise awareness about spinal cord injuries. Through continued fundraising efforts such as the Annual Aaron Moser Spinal Cord Foundation Golf Tournament, they seek to make a difference in the lives of people affected by spinal cord injuries.
Singing Christmas Tree
The Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree Foundation (ESCTF) is an annual non-profit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. The primary purpose of the foundation is to help local charities and showcase local talent, all while bringing a Christmas spectacular to both Edmontonians and visitors. Over the past several years, ESCTF has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to organizations such as Santas Anonymous and the Edmonton Food Bank.