The Benefits of Choosing an Acreage Home Near Edmonton
Posted by Terry Paranych on
Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of city life? Are you craving the peace and quiet that only acreage living can offer? You’re not alone! Many Edmonton home buyers are quitting their urban lifestyle in favour of panoramic prairie views, rolling green acres and more room to grow.
But that’s not all these sprawling rural residences have to offer.
Here are eight benefits to look forward to when purchasing an acreage home near Edmonton:
Acreage Living Defined
Simply put, an acreage home or property is a plot of land located along the outskirts of a town or city. Though sizes will vary, the average acreage will offer anywhere between 1 to 20 acres of land (one acre = one football field) and may be situated in a stand-alone location or a…
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