In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, both the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) and the Alberta Real Estate Association  (AREA) have put active protocols in place to ensure the health and safety of home buyers, sellers and their agents. While now is still a great time for real estate in the capital region, if you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, here’s what you need to know:

Social Distancing

Tour homes and meet one on one with your REALTOR® from the comfort of your living room. To help flatten the curve, reputable agents are taking to online applications such as Zoom or Skype to conduct virtual showings and attend to the needs of their clients. When an in-person meeting is deemed necessary, be sure to maintain a regular social…

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In addition to spending more time with family, if there’s one good thing to come out of having to stay home, it’s the ability to tackle overdue projects around the house. If decluttering has been on your radar for some time, we have a “few” ideas to help get you started.

Stray Socks

As you purge the one-offs, consider getting rid of the holey ones, too.

Bygone Books 

Reclaim your shelf space by getting rid of books you’ve already read (and don’t intend to read again), old cookbooks, diet books and magazines.

Surplus Water Bottles

While it’s good to keep hydrated, a water bottle for every room may be a bit excessive. Not to mention, they tend to deteriorate with age.

Mismatched Linens 

Sheets, pillows and towels wear out over…

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While we’re all doing our best to stay home during these difficult times, the occasional trip to the grocery store may prove unavoidable. When and if you do have to venture out, keep yourself and others safe with the help of these 10 essential grocery shopping tips:

1. Attempt Online First 

Maintain social distancing by attempting to order online first – either in a click and collect or delivery format (Instacart, for example, will shop a wide range of retailers on your behalf for delivery as soon as possible). Keep in mind, wait times will vary according to customer demand, therefore you’ll want to order a few days ahead.

2. Organize Your Shopping List Ahead of Time

Minimize the amount of time you’ll need to spend in the store by…

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the employment and income of many hardworking Albertans. As a means of helping homeowners pay their bills during these times of economic uncertainty, several of Canada’s largest banks are offering payment relief by means of deferred mortgage payments.

Here’s what you need to know:

What is the Mortgage Payment Deferral? 

An agreement between you and your lender, a mortgage payment deferral allows you to pause or suspend your payments for an allotted period of time. Sometimes referred to as a mortgage forbearance agreement, the deferral is a temporary measure that, upon ending, will see your payment schedule return to normal and the missed payments repaid.

Note: A mortgage payment deferral includes payments…

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How much will it cost to sell your Edmonton home? While the answer will vary according to your unique selling situation, here are a few expenses you’ll want to prepare for ahead of time.

Pre-Listing Inspection: 

While optional, scheduling an inspection before you list can help streamline the sale of your home. Not only will a pre-listing inspection allow you to identify and address repairs and hidden issues ahead of time, but it will also instill buyer confidence and minimize negotiation time.

Home Repairs and Upgrades 

Improve your home’s value (and sale price), by tackling necessary repairs and renovations beforehand. These may include addressing larger ticket items such as roof or siding repairs, HVAC, plumbing, etc. You may also want…

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